Carol Westberg’s third book of poems, Ice Lands, appeared in January 2022. Terra Infirma was a finalist for the 2014 Tampa Review Prize for Poetry, and Slipstream was a finalist for the 2011 New Hampshire Literary Award for Outstanding Book of Poetry. Two poems were also honored, “Map of Uncertain Soundings” as a finalist for the Ruth Stone Prize and “Tyranny of Dreams” as a selection for the poet laureate’s New Hampshire Poet Showcase. Carol has published poems in Prairie Schooner, Hunger Mountain, Salamander, CALYX, and North American Review, among other journals.
Born in Berkeley, California, she grew up on a farm in Iowa and earned degrees from Duke (BA), Stanford (MA in Teaching), and Vermont College (MA in Poetry). She has worked as a public school teacher in California; a copyeditor at Little, Brown and Co.; an editor at the Institute for the Future; director of creative services at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth; and communications director at Vermont Law School. She’s traveled in North America, Africa, and Europe and spent transformative months in Paris as part of Sweet Briar’s Junior Year in France. She now lives in Hanover, New Hampshire.
As a communications consultant, Carol worked with clients including Apple Computer, Aspen Institute, Institute for the Future, John Wiley and Sons, Jossey-Bass, Simon Pearce, Stanford University, West Central Behavioral Health, and many individuals.