Terra Infirma

Terra Infirma by poet Carol Westberg

These poems traverse interior and exterior spaces—from grief to joy, from Tuscany to Orkney to the “changed place we call home.”

Terra Infirma was a finalist for the 2014 Tampa Review Prize for Poetry.

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“In this bittersweet collection, Carol Westberg’s poems of grief and loss continue to remind us how deeply our lives may be cherished, here on this Terra Infirma. There is a tenderness in these poems and a hard-won acceptance of the stakes of mortal love.” — Cynthia Huntington

“Age, illness, accident—the trials and truths of our temporal bodies, of our journeys between heaven and earth. These unabashedly musical, deeply felt poems are wise enough to embrace sorrow, but remain, as Westberg insists, ‘fierce to live.’” — Mark Cox

“Who or what does the mourner become in Time? What does grief do to time? These are not new questions, but in Terra Infirma they receive tender, ruthless, provocative attention. By turns oneiric, personal, peripatetic, and ekphrastic, the poems interrogate even the power of poetry, travel/travail, art, and music to redeem the ‘merciless tests’ of illness, accident, and loss.” — Lisa Russ Spaar

Read/Listen to We Pass Like Thieves
Read/Listen to Tyranny of Dreams

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90 pages, $18.00

Cover photo © Lia Rothstein
Cover design Joanna Bodenweber